HealthyCoat is the highest quality all-natural Omega 3 and 6 fatty acid feed supplement for goats. Rich in Omega 3 and 6, essential fatty acids and vitamins that benefit skin, coat, vitality and overall health for your goat!

HealthyCoat’s Goat Formula is a liquid feed supplement that’s naturally processed without chemicals or heat. Our patented cold-pressed processing system keeps all of the nutrients intact making HealthyCoat the highest quality, most digestible, source of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids. Very little heat is created during digestion of HealthyCoat, making it the ideal top dressing for warm weather feeding.

HealthyCoat’s multiple benefits:

  • Rich in Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids
  • Safe, all-natural source of vitamin E and lecithin
  • Promotes glossy hair coat; enhances skin while helping maintain hoof condition
  • Fortified with niacin, biotin and vitamin B12
  • Support structural correctness
  • Develop wider, heavier muscles
  • Increase energy
  • Great for everyday use or sale/show prep
  • Safe weight builder
  • Helps maintain the immune system
  • Aids in digestion and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.

HealthyCoat Goat Brochure