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Horses: Hoof Health, Growth and EquiPride

What it is/How it Affects Your Horse:
The condition of a horse’s hooves is a reflection of how healthy the horse is. This is because many health problems in horses are first discovered in the feet. A balanced diet filled with proteins, vitamins, and minerals is crucial in supporting a healthy horse and his feet. A horse lacking nutritional value will have weak hooves that grow slowly and are much more likely to be inflicted with problems such as laminitis. The walls of hooves in poor condition will be cracked, chipped and brittle. Rapid hoof growth and strong hoof walls are signs of a healthy horse with a nutritious diet.

Online Resource We Recommend: 
Local Riding: Horse Hoof and Foot Care

How Agape’s Line of Products May Help:
Testimonial from the owner of a barrel racer:
“My mare had previously been barrel raced, causing her feet to badly deteriorate. I switched all of the horses to EquiPride, and the results continue to impress. The barrel racer is now barefoot. The farriers are impressed with how well all the horses’ hooves are growing and even the veterinarians are complimenting us on how much younger our horses look.”
-Andrea via e-mail to Colorado dealer Linda Hall-Taylor

Testimonial from a multiple horse owner:
“The big thing I see is a slight ridge going around each foot. I believe it is from when I started the EquiPride. Above it the hoof appears to be a bit bigger. It’s as though the hoof wall has thickened and strengthened. It appears that the new growth over the past year is much healthier. I have noticed improvements in the frogs and soles as well.
-Susie via e-mail to Colorado distributor Lisa Rasmussen 

An additional testimonial from Susie:
“In only 8 weeks we are ready for shoes and a trim, usually it’s 10 to 12 weeks. Of course this will cost me more for the farrier but hey, they’re all doing so good that I’m not complaining!”
-Susie via e-mail to Colorado distributor Lisa Rasmussen