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Swine: Allison 4-H SweetPro Sponsorship

We at Agape Naturals are strong supporters of 4-H! We’re proud to sponsor several Arapahoe County 4-Hers with SweetPro feed supplements. Read Allison’s updates here on using Fresh Start with her pig.

April 21, 2016: I was very excited to begin the Agape supplement project this month. My project swine is showing very promising growth. I am beginning showmanship training using a brush and show stick. I believe that the SweetPro supplement is very beneficial to my pig, as he is showing improvement in overall appearances as well as weight. Agape, thank you again for this opportunity!

June 1, 2016: This month, Oscar continues to show improvement both in weight gain and training. I brought him to tag day at the end of April, and he behaved very well. He now has a pink ear tag to participate in the fair. He looks very healthy and is very active as well. He always finishes his food and is always excited to see people. I hope to continue to see this promising growth in future months!

June 30, 2016: Since July is the month of the fair, we are beginning to pre p are Oscar for the show. He was weighed last week, and is an impressive 240 pounds, which is the minimum weight for the Arapahoe county fair. He now gets 2 1/2 ounces of supplement along with his daily feed. He enjoys a cold bath every day and loves to be brushed. I make an effort to walk him 15 minutes each day, to improve training and build muscle. I am looking forward to the fair and I believe he will do very well. I have entered him in showmanship, premier exhibitor, and a costume contest, along with the market swine category.

August 1, 2016: Oscar has been growing steadily and did very well at the Arapahoe County Fair. He weighed in at 273 lbs. He placed 5th in the market swine competition and did well in showmanship, although he didn’t place. We also participated in the livestock costume contest, where Oscar got 1st place in the swine division as well as scariest costume. He was dressed in a homemade Harry Potter costume, which was very popular with the fair’s guests. Oscar continued to enjoy his Agape SweetPro supplement with his feed for the duration of the fair, and I believe it really had an impact on his good performance. The auction on Saturday night was the end of my project, where Oscar was purchased. I really enjoyed my first swine project and plan to do it again next year. Thank you to Agape for all your support!

September 1, 2016: After selling Oscar at the Arapahoe County Fair last month, I have finally completed my record books and received my check. He sold for $910, and I received some additional money in add-ins. I plan to put the money in my savings account to help pay for college, as well as to buy another pig next year. Oscar did well at the fair, winning 5th place in the market swine category. I believe that the supplement definitely helped his growth, as he weighed in at 273 pounds. I really enjoyed my first year in the swine project, and I definitely plan to do it again next year. Thank you, Agape, for all your support!