Read about why Tenneile Rice feeds SweetPro to her herd at TR Cattle in Platteville, Colorado!

Natural and Organic feeds and supplements for all of your animals
Read about why Tenneile Rice feeds SweetPro to her herd at TR Cattle in Platteville, Colorado!
When winter is approaching it’s time to start thinking about your cattle’s increased winter feeding needs. Have you considered Sweet Pro’s cattle tubs? Our 250-lb tubs are all natural and non-molasses.…
SweetPro Pasture Ranger is a recommended NON-Molasses lick tub for beef and dairy and is designed for essential fortification of stocker cattle on bloat-prone wheat pasture and alfalfa. SweetPro Feeds…
SweetPro Pasture MP lick blocks are designed for dairy and beef cattle on green grass in the summer months. This non-molasses lick block is the premier vehicle to deliver nutrients–because…
The FiberMate 18 (18% protein) is designed for brood cows, stocker cattle (900 to 1,400 lbs.) with average forage conditions, cows in stalks and stubble, and goats on pasture and…
These NON-Molasses blocks are designed for essential fortification of dry cow requirements for vitamins A, D & E, protein, calcium, phosphorus and trace elements including selenium. High vitamin E and…
SweetPro16 is designed for cattle or bison 650 to 1,000 lbs., first-calf heifers, stockers on grass, purebred operations, dairy cows, and goats with good quality forage. The SweetPro provides these…
PowerMate and PowerMate II are all natural supplements containing diatomaceous earth for brood cows, stocker cattle/bison, and goats. PowerMate lick blocks are designed for essential fortification of vitamins A, D…
SweetPro offers two NON-Molasses calf blocks—cattle Starter and cattle Kandi—which are designed for essential fortification of starting goats, calves and receiving cattle/bison requirements for vitamins A, D & E plus…
SweetPro offers two NON-Molasses lick blocks—Cattle Starter or Cattle Kandi—which are designed for essential fortification of starting calves, receiving cattle, and goat requirements for vitamins A, D & E plus…